1. Name and contact information of those responsible for data processing and internal data privacy officers

This data privacy information applies for the data processing by:

Party responsible: Mamiee s r.o., Sadová 704, Líbeznice, Czech Republic, registration ID no.: 03625991

Email: obchod@mamiee.cz, Telephone: +420 602-267-575

2. Collection and storage of personal data and the nature of the use thereof

When accessing our website (www.mamiee.com), information is automatically sent from the browser you use on your end device to our website’s server. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called logfile. The following information is received without your assistance and is stored until it is automatically deleted:

  • The IP address of the requesting computer,
  • The date and time of access,
  • The name and URL of the requested data,
  • The website from which the access occurred (“Referrer URL”)

We collect personal data from you when you provide it to us directly and through your use of the Site. This information may include:

  • Information you provide to us when you use our Site (e.g. your name, contact details, gender, product reviews, and any information which you add to your account profile);
  • Transaction and billing information, if you make any purchases from us or using our Site (e.g. delivery information);
  • Records of your interactions with us (e.g. if you contact our customer service team, interact with us on social media);
  • Information you provide us when you enter a competition or participate in a survey;
  • Information collected automatically, using cookies and other tracking technologies (e.g. which pages you viewed and whether you clicked on a link in one of our email updates). We may also collect information about the device you use to access our Site.

The data above are processed by us for the following purposes:

  • To guarantee a smooth establishment of a connection to the website,
  • To guarantee a comfortable user experience on our website,
  • To fulfil your order and maintain your online account.
  • To manage and respond to any queries or complaints to our customer service team.
  • For market research, e.g. we may contact you for feedback about our products.
  • To send you marketing messages and show you targeted advertising, where we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so.
  • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
  • To evaluate system security and stability, and
  • For other administrative purposes.

    The legal basis for the data processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Page 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR). Our legitimate interest in data collection lies in the aforementioned purposes. 

    Beyond this data collection, we also utilize cookies and analysis services on our website. More information about this can be found under paragraphs 4 and 5 of this data privacy statement. We collect and use only the data necessary to place the order and communicate with you and deliver your ordered goods. We store data about your order in the order history and at the same time send it to you by email. You can revoke your permission to use your data at any time. However, in that case, it is necessary to provide your personal data with each subsequent purchase from us. To the extent that you have expressly consented according to Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR, we use your email address to regularly send you our newsletter. The submission of an email address is sufficient to receive the newsletter.

    It is possible to unsubscribe at any time, for example via a link at the end of the newsletter. Alternatively, you can send your unsubscribe request per email to rostemehrou@mamiee.cz

    For questions of any kind, we offer you the possibility to use the contact form on our website to contact us. To do this, it is necessary to submit a valid email address so that we know from whom the message comes so that we can respond properly. Any further information can be submitted voluntarily. The processing of the data submitted to us occurs according to Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR on the basis of your voluntarily submitted consent. Any personal data collected by us is automatically deleted after your submitted request has been satisfied.

    3. Dissemination of data

    Transmission of your personal data to third parties other than those in the purposes mentioned herein will not occur.

    We will send your personal data to third parties only when:

    • You expressly give us consent to do so according to Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR,
    • The dissemination is required for the enforcement, exercise or defense of a legitimate claim and when there is no reason to believe that you have a predominating interest which needs protection by preventing the dissemination of your data, according to Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR,
    • There is a legal requirement to do so according to Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR, and
    • It is required to do so in order to execute a contractual relationship with you in accordance with applicable laws and Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR.

    4. Cookies

    We utilize cookies on our website. These are small files that your browser automatically creates and stores on your end device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our site. Cookies do not damage your end device and contain no viruses, Trojans or other malware. Information is stored in the cookie which refers to the specific end device being used. This does not mean that we can directly infer your personal identity from this information. The use of cookies allows us in part to make our offers more useful for you. To do this, we utilize cookies to see that you’ve visited individual pages of our website. The cookies are automatically deleted upon leaving our site. When you visit our website a second time to patronize our services, it is then automatically recognized that you have visited our website and remembered which form submissions and settings you used so that they don’t have to be entered again. We utilize cookies to statistically analyze our website for the purpose of evaluating the optimization our offers for you (see Paragraph 5). These cookies make it possible for us to automatically recognize that you have visited our site before when you return to the site.  These cookies are deleted after a predefined period of time.

    The data processed by cookies are necessary for the protection of our legitimate interests and those of third parties according to Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR. Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can configure your browser so that no cookies are stored on your end device, or that you receive a notification before a cookie will be saved. However, the complete deactivation of cookies can result in your inability to use all the functions on our website.

    5. Analysis tools

    The following tracking measures used by us are executed based on Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR. With the utilization of these tracking measures, we aim to secure an appropriate design, layout and continuous optimization of our website. In addition, we use tracking measures to statistically analyze our website and to evaluate our offers to you for the purposes of optimization. These interests are legitimate according to the aforementioned legal code. For the purposes of appropriate designing and continuing optimization of our website, we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. (https://www.google.com/intl/en/about/) (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; hereafter known as “Google“). In this context, pseudonymized user profiles are created and cookies (see Paragraph 4) are used. The information created by these cookies about your use of this website, such as:

    • Browser type/version,
    • Operating system used
    • Referrer URL (the site visited before ours)
    • The host name of the accessing device (IP address)
    • Time of the server request,

    are sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there. This information is used to analyze use of our website in order to generate reports about website activity and use of our website and the internet for the purposes of market research and the appropriate design of our internet sites. This information is also transmitted to third parties insofar as it is legally allowed or if said third parties are contracted to process the data. Under no circumstances will your IP address be combined with other data from Google. The IP addresses are anonymized so that they cannot be attributed to you (IP masking).

    You can prevent the installation of cookies via your browser software’s settings; however, we would like to remind you that this can prevent you from being able to fully use all of the functions of this website.

    You can find more information about data privacy in the context of Google Analytics in the Google Analytics help pages (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en).

    In order to statistically analyze our website and to optimize our website for you, we also use Google Conversion Tracking. This will set a cookie on your device if you landed on our website via a Google advertisement.

    These cookies lose their validity after 30 days, and are not used for personal identification. If the user visits certain websites of Adwords clients and the cookie is not yet expired, Google and its clients can see that the user has clicked on the ad and has been transferred to this website.

    If you do not wish to participate in this tracking process, you can deny the required setting of a cookie, for example through browser settings which deactivate the automatic setting of cookies. You can also deactivate the cookies used for conversion tracking by configuring your browser to block all cookies from the domain “www.googleadservices.com”. You can find information from Google regarding conversion tracking here (https://services.google.com/sitestats/en.html).

    6. Social media plug-ins

    We use social plug-ins from the social networks Facebook and Instagram on our website in order to promote our company in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 Pg. 1 of the GDPR. The commercial purpose behind this is recognized as a legitimate interest according to the GDPR. The responsibility for use conforming to data privacy standards lies with each individual provider. The embedding of these plug-ins has been done with the two-click method to protect visitors of our website as much as possible.

    Social media plug-ins from Facebook are used on this website in order to more personalize its use. To that end, we use the “LIKE” or “SHARE” buttons. This is offered by Facebook. When you access one of our web pages with such a plug-in, your browser creates a direct connection with Facebook’s servers. The content from Facebook will be transmitted directly to your browser and embedded in the website. If you are logged into Facebook at the time, Facebook can collate your visit to our website directly with your Facebook account. Facebook can use this information for advertising purposes, market research and the appropriate designing of their Facebook pages. If you do not wish Facebook to collate the collected data from your visit to our website with your Facebook account, you must log out of Facebook before you visit our website.

    You can find more information about the purpose and extent of the data collection and further processing and use of this data by Facebook as well as your rights and configuration options to protect your privacy in Facebook’s Data Policy (https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/).

    We also use so-called social plugins from Instagram on our site which are provided and run by Instagram LLC., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (“Instagram”). When you access a page on our website with one of these plug-ins, your browser builds a connection with Instagram’s servers. The content of the plug-in is transferred directly to your browser and embedded into our web page. When you interact with the plug-ins, for example by clicking on the “Instagram” button, this information will be transmitted directly to an Instagram server and stored there. If you do not wish for Instagram to directly collate the data collected from our website, you must first log out of Instagram before visiting our website. You can find more information about this in Instagram’s data privacy statement: (https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388).

    7. Rights of persons affected

    You have the right to request information from about personal data processed by us in accordance with Art. 15 of the GDPR. Specifically, you can request information about the purposes of the data processing, the categories of personal data, the planned duration of storage, the existence of the rights to correction, deletion, limitation or denial of processing, the existence of the right of complaint, the source of your data (so long as it was not collected by us), as well as about the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and significant information about their details;

    If you have given us consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of sending business messages, then you have the option to revoke this consent at any time either by clicking on the link in the business message or sending the revocation of consent to the email address rostemehrou@mamiee.cz. 

    8. Right of objection

    To the extent that your personal data has been processed on the basis of legitimate interests according to Art. 6 Para. 1 of the GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of this personal data according to Art. 21 of the GDPR so long as there are reasons relating to your particular circumstance or relating to objection to direct mail. In the latter case, you have a general right to objection without needing to submit a particular circumstance implemented by us.

    9. Data security

    Within our website structure, we utilize the common SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security feature together with the high levels of encryption supported by your browser. If your browser does not support 256-bit encryption, we will revert back to 128-bit v3 encryption technology. 

    10. Timeliness and amendments to this data privacy statement

    This data privacy statement is current and was last updated in July 2020.

    In case of any questions contact us by email:rostemehrou@mamiee.cz.

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